NeuroLogic A*esque Decoding: Constrained Text Generation with Lookahead Heuristics

The dominant paradigm for neural text generation is left-to-right decoding from autoregressive language models. Constrained or controllable generation under complex lexical constraints, however, requires foresight to plan ahead feasible future paths. …

Symbolic Knowledge Distillation: from General Language Models to Commonsense Models

The common practice for training commonsense models has gone from-human-to-corpus-to-machine: humans author commonsense knowledge graphs in order to train commonsense models. In this work, we investigate an alternative, …

''I'm Not Mad'': Commonsense Implications of Negation and Contradiction

Natural language inference requires reasoning about contradictions, negations, and their commonsense implications. Given a simple premise (e.g., "I'm mad at you"), humans can reason about the varying shades of contradictory statements ranging from …

EnglishBot: A Conversational AI System for Second Language Learning

Today, many students learn to speak a foreign language by listening to and repeating pre-recorded materials. This is due to the lack of practice opportunities with human partners. Leveraging recent advancements in AI, Speech, and NLP, we developed …

BookBuddy: Turning Digital Materials Into Interactive Foreign Language Lessons Through a Voice Chatbot

Digitization of education has brought a tremendous amount of online materials that are potentially useful for language learners to practice their reading skills. However, these digital materials rarely help with conversational practice, a key …

QuizBot: A Dialogue-based Adaptive Learning System for Factual Knowledge

Advances in conversational AI have the potential to enable more engaging and effective ways to teach factual knowledge. To investigate this hypothesis, we created QuizBot, a dialogue-based agent that helps students learn factual knowledge in science, …